Monday, November 27, 2017

Will Taking Turmeric Stop Gout Attack?

I started to feel some sharp pain in my big toe this afternoon and realized that I left my cherry extract somewhere while I was traveling for Thanksgiving.  So I looked in my pantry for some turmeric, mixed about half a teaspoon with 8 ounces of water and drank.  I'll be sure to let you know if that stops a gout attack.  I'm not sure if I would end up having a gout attack if no action is taken though.  While I look on Amazon for some more cherry extract I'm going to add a uric acid meter to my shopping cart.  I think it would be a good idea to start measuring my uric acid levels and making modifications to my diet.


December 4, 2017:  I found my cherry extract last Thursday but the soreness in my toe and thumb remains.  My hands are stiff in the mornings.  My hips may be affected too.  My toe gets tingly and hot feeling here and there.  No full blown attack yet.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Uncommon to Rare Mutations in Chromosome 1

I made my first pass through the raw data for Chromosome 1 and found that I possess some uncommon to rare mutations.  MAF is the minor allele frequency.  So far I found the following:

rs3766400: MAF = 0.008, splice donor variant 
rs11465205: MAF = 0.0054, intron variant, missense
rs56043070: MAF = 0.0389, intron variant, splice donor variant 
rs4762: MAF = 0.1016, missense

There does not seem to be any information with regards to any medical conditions associated with the above mutations, except for rs4762.  Rs4762 is associated with a higher risk of preeclampsia, but I'm glad to say that I did not experience any complications with my first pregnancy.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Thinking of Getting on Statins? Check These Out First!

It seems like genetics should play a bigger role in how people are treated for various conditions.  But I suppose it would be expensive to test patients for the various "drug response alleles" that we know about.  In any case, I think it would be wise for people to get tested on 23andme and take a look at their raw data and see if there are variants of concern.  The FDA does not allow 23andme to report to customers everything in their raw data, so some people take it upon themselves to do the research with the help of dbSNP, Promethease, SNPedia, etc.  Looking through chromosome 12, I noticed that 23andme tests for a few variants that may impact ones reaction to statins.  

rs4149015 = A (risk allele with MAF 0.0547)
rs4149056 = C (risk allele with MAF 0.0877)

If it turns out you have one or more of these alleles, it probably would not hurt to talk to your doctor or even a geneticist, before getting on statins.

SI Joint Pain and Bursitis in both Hips

It looks like 23andme does not test for enough markers relating to psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.  I recently developed wha...